Monday, August 07, 2006

A Mid Summer's Update

Dear Friends and Members of New Utrecht,

Many blessings to you and wishes that your summer continues, hot as it is, with some relief from work and some enjoyment under the sun. I am writing to thank you for your prayers for my father and your kindness towards my family and myself as care for him. My father, after spending six weeks in intensive care at Memorial Sloan Kettering, is now 'fragile but stable' and learning to live with a trach tube in his neck and feeding tube in his stomach. He is peaceful and happy to be alive. And we are happy to have him alive after three close calls with death in the last six weeks. If God grants him continued healing, we will be returning to rehab soon and then home with nursing care. There is much all of us have learned in these last weeks: how fragile life is, how quick it can be gone, how gray the areas between life and death. how uncertain is the breath we take and the promise of morning light.

Please continue to commend my father in prayer..I look forward to seeing you on the 10th of September for a special commemoration of the fifth anniversary of 9-11 at our Sunday 11 AM worship.
